Information about this blog

This blog is a project that I have been assigned for my journalism class at my school. So this is not a legit food blog. This is strictly for a school project. We have been assigned to make a food blog so this is what I came up with and used Blogger because I already had an existing account with Blogger. So yeah This is what this food blog is all about. :D :D :D :D

Friday, May 9, 2014

This Blog is for a School Project!

This blog is mainly used for a Journalism school project we have been assigned. So this blog is for a school blog project ONLY! This blog is about foods and desserts that you can serve at any sports related event or game. :D :D :D :D  I will manly be focusing on the desserts aspect of the part and the food I have picked is called a Hershey Bar Cake. I have made this cake before and loved it and I want to share it with the world. :D :D lol!!!!

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