Information about this blog

This blog is a project that I have been assigned for my journalism class at my school. So this is not a legit food blog. This is strictly for a school project. We have been assigned to make a food blog so this is what I came up with and used Blogger because I already had an existing account with Blogger. So yeah This is what this food blog is all about. :D :D :D :D

Friday, May 8, 2015

Thanks Everyone!!!

So this blog was for a school project in my journalism class in early 2014. I just checked it out today and was shocked to see how many people have read or even just visited my blog. It made me so happy that people even looked at my blog. The popular post is the recipe for the Hershey Bar Cake. Which is really no surprise because its amazing!!! If you haven't checked the post out you definitely should check it out here

So thanks again for viewing this blog even if it was just a school project. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D 

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